Well, five countries prepare to send athletes to the 2023 Sygem Campaign

April 17, 2023

As of today, five countries have registered to compete in the cocktail sports category with the martial arts Cambodia, at the occasion of the 32nd Soccer Games in May 2023, was the first history of the Cambodian Government.

According to Admiral Watt Zheng, the head of the Cambodian Olympic Committee recently highlighted that among the 37 sports categories prepared to be launched Cambodia’s first historic 32nd Soccer Games, Cambodia, decided to introduce three of its national identity cultural sports categories.This is the opportunity to present these traditional sports to the international, and these three types of favorite cultural sports are cocktails, Cambodian contests and chess that citichers play in society.

Au Tara, deputy head of the Cambodian Cocktail Football Federation, emphasised that five countries are preparing to send their athletes to the Games The upcoming Sygem 2023 includes Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines and Indonesia, including martial hosts and hosts of Cambodia, in total are six countries.

“Before right up to the May 32nd Sports Games, the host Cambodia plans to organize two events: 1 Training Course of international judges, Congo Judges from March 24 to March 28, 2022 Then we continue to prepare for the 2013 Ivory Cocktail Championship (The First Kun Borkator SEA. Championship 2023 is scheduled to be held from March 29 to April 30, 2023.”

At the same time, he also added that the preparation of training courses and the Ivory Coast Championship This 1 is absolutely important to better prepare to prepare to host the 32nd Soccer Games, 2013.

It should be noted that the officially defined list of awards on the category of cocktail sports in the contest category There are 16 grades, of whom there are seven categories of performing (private-group) while graduating There were nine battles, including men’s sections on a type of weight of 50kg, 55kg, 60kg, 65kg, and 7 The women’s parts weigh 45 km, 50kg, 55 km and 60 kilograms.