Samdech Hun Sen provides $ 20,000 and asks for Cambodian citizenship for Thiago

April 11, 2023

Prime Minister Hun Sen announces $ 20,000 and offers Cambodian citizenship to Brazilian boxer Thiago. Samdech announced this on the social network Telegram on April 8.

“As an encouragement, I would like to donate $ 20,000 to Brazilian boxer Thiago Teixeira. “On the other hand, if there is no legal violation of Brazil, I will ask the King to give Khmer citizenship to Thiago.” This is according to Samdech Hun Sen.

Hun Sen’s announcement came after it was learned that Thai boxing organization WMO had taken away the belt and the APEX Fight Series refused to offer Thiago $ 3,000 after defeating British boxer JOE. In that match, Thiago announced that he represented Khmer martial arts.