Hear only beautiful sounds! Appearing at the opening ceremony of the SEA Games last night… (Video)

May 6, 2023

On May 5, 2023, at the Moradok Techo National Stadium, the opening ceremony of the 32nd Southeast Asian Games 2023 was held after 64 years of waiting for Cambodia to host the This sporting event.

However, behind the opening of this great event, many people expressed surprise as well as great interest in the voice of the host. Meanwhile, through the TikTok account, Mr. Chea Vannarith posted a video of the behind-the-scenes activities of the event, showing the host announcing the activities on the show.

Of course, for the host and host announcing the ceremony in both national and English, Mr. Chea Vannarith and one of the veteran presenters, who is the owner of the voice in the Water Festival, joined hands to facilitate the program with a beautiful voice. To impress.

Meanwhile, Mr. Chea Vannarith also said on TikTok: “It is an honor to participate in such a great historical work, especially working with the beloved aunt (Idol) voice in the festival. Boating since I was little.

Turns out, many TikTok social media users also expressed surprise as well as excitement through the comment box: “Twenty years ago, I only heard voices that never knew my face.” And others said, “I love this beautiful voice.” Not only that, others said, “I was born 23 years ago, I can only hear the sound, now I can see the picture.”

Please watch the video below


ជាកិត្តិយសណាស់​ ដែលបានចូលរួមបំពេញការងារដ៏ធំជាប្រវត្រិសាស្រ្តបែបនេះ​ ជាពិសេសបានធ្វេីការជាមួយអ្នកមីងជាទៅគោរពស្រលាញ់​ (Idol) ម្ចាស់សម្លេងក្នុងពិធីបុណ្យអ៊ំទូក​ តាំងពីខ្ញុំនៅតូចៗលឺតែសម្លេង​ ❤️️🙏 ទោះមិនបានឃេីញផ្ទាល់ស្រែកហ៊ោជាមួយទស្សនិកជន​ តែរំភេីបក្នុងនាមជាកូនខ្មែរ​ 🇰🇭🙏

♬ original sound – Mr.Chea Vannarith