Inter Miami said that it would have to strengthen safety well for the arrival of this star

June 21, 2023

Inter Miami is strengthening security operations around the group to prepare for an explosion of interest at When Lionel Messi joins this July. Messi is completing some final details in the work His agreement to join the Major League Soccer team in enhanced changes Great interest in football across the state as well as the global reputation of the league. He is expected to play his maiden match for Miami City on August 21 Kagart, leaving the team about a month to prepare for the arrival of the biggest sport ever.

Owner Jorge Mas, the lead in attracting Messi to the United States, revealed that change is currently Was made to mediate to the Argentine star. Speaking to Miami Herald, Mas said . ” Security will no doubt be strengthened. ‘The player will be entered by the bus by crossing the tunnel. All those principles are arranged both here and far away . And they are not only for our match . “It’s going to be a daily thing and something we saw, and I think settled well when Messi was here with Argentina before the Soccer Cup.

As you can remember, Argentina trained at Miami before they flew to Doha. We had the opportunity to see some Messi on our doorstep every day during training. So we were very prepared. ‘Both Miami and MLS have been contacted by Mail Sport regarding their preparations for Messi, who are often run into the court when he plays for clubs or countries.