Kyle Walker says Man City indebted the Champions League owner

May 17, 2023

Manchester City are again looking at the European Football Club’s top prix after years of struggling in their quest for the first time. Losing to Chelsea in the final two years ago was the closest match they have played, but Wednesday brings a different chance More to reach a crucial match while they host Real Madrid in the second leg of the semi-finals.

Man City have won the Premier League six times since Sheikh bought the club in 2008 and is on the edge of The seventh league award, but the Champions League has long wanted to win, but it is still unachievable.

Right defender Walker said:

“Clubs are missing this invasion with the owners of the club and the avalanche of money they have put into it and the investment they have made, we owe them this invasion. Getting up to the Champions League final against Chelsea and doing as poorly as possible, we owe it to ourselves and will have some revenge for ourselves because we know we play poorly that day.

But we have a very emotional competitor to pass to the Champions League final. It’s the final Everything can happen. The first thing is to pass Real Madrid and then wait to watch the final.”